Category Archives: IAJGS 2017

Thank you for attending IAJGS 2017!

The tables have been taken down, the session signs have been retired and all is very suddenly quiet here at the Swan.

As we co-chairs talk quietly over lunch and take stock of the activities of the past week, our primary sentiment is gratitude to all of you who travelled to Orlando  to participate in our conference as teachers, learners, collaborators, exhibitors and volunteers.

To those of us who spent the last year preparing for this conference, it was a life-changing experience that we will never forget. Thank you for making it possible.

If you would like to relive the wonderful sessions at this year's conference - or catch the programs you might have missed - please visit our Live! video on-demand link in the menu above or visit

To purchase Fleetwood recordings of the 200 sessions not included in Live!  please visit

We wish you all a safe journey home, and look forward to seeing you all again at future IAJGS conferences.

Indeed, before we know it, a year will pass and we will be seeing many of you in Warsaw for IAJGS 2018.

Can't wait!

Warmest regards,

Adam Brown Diane Jacobs Dennis Rice
IAJGS 2017 C0-Chairs